Fitness Rating

Each tour is rated from easy to intermediate. Even though we can alter any route to cater to your preferred pace and distance you will have the best time if you select a tour right for you. Other than our avid bike trips or extreme trekking trips, tours are not races; they stop frequently for cultural intake, gelato and photo ops.

The tour rating system is a guideline to assist you in choosing the tour right for you. Regardless of the rating one of the advantages of small groups is that we can always offer alternative routes for more or less distance and at times divide the group accodingly. The only tour in which we cannot accommodate alternate routes are the Alp trek or the Big Sur bike tour. Always keep in mind you are participating in an active trip and the better condition you are in before the start of a trip, the more you will enjoy the experience. 

Easy: Terrain is mostly all flat, distances are from 20-30 miles/day. 
Moderate: Terrain is varied with some short hill climbs. Distance of 20-40 miles. 
Advanced: hilly, most days with long ascents--distances 40-50 miles.
(alternative routes are always available for more or less distance for tours)

Easy: 2-6 miles/day of mostly flat terrain.
Moderate: 6-8 miles of varied terrain with occasional steep or long climbs and descents.
Advanced: 8-12 mile days of varied terrain with many steep or long climbs and descents

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Your Next Adventure Awaits

"Culture is not a fast food" On tour you'll not only travel in an active manner, but you will meet the locals and experience the culture from their perspectives. As we travel together we alter any day of the tour to suit your curiosities.